Charitable Organisations

Victor Harbor Farmers Market donates regularly to local schools ...

Below are some photos of Investigator College Year 4's planting autumn veg in wicking beds back in Term 1. Some of this produce was used by Senior School students in Food Tech, some was eaten fresh by students, and some is still growing.

Fleurieu Community Foundation

Matt East and Chair Neil Hosking presenting Brad Butler from the Fleurieu Community Foundation with a donation of $5,000 on behalf of the Victor Harbor Farmers Market.

Victor Harbor Farmers Market is a not for profit organisation, and every year we make donations to local groups or charities.

The Committee looked at the amazing work Mark and the Fleurieu Community Foundation does in our local community, and voted unanimously to donate this money to them.


Bradley's Place

Did you know that since 2016 the Victor Harbor Farmers Market has been giving every family that stays at Bradley’s Place $50 in market vouchers, plus market membership for the day?

These families are staying at Bradley’s Place in Inman Valley on respite, whilst dealing with childhood cancer.

Before the Market took over donating the vouchers Neil from VICTORFISH had been donating his own for a number of years.

They get 10 $5 vouchers, so they can use them all at one stall, or spread them around. As well as the 10% discount the membership provides.

A lovely way of helping these families, and introducing them to one of Saturday’s must visits in Victor Harbor.

The Victor Harbor Farmers Market is teaming with Victor Harbor Salvation Army to donate  $5,000  towards the Eyre Peninsula drought appeal.

“Drought is one of the greatest challenges our farmers and producers face, and if we as a Farmers Market Committee can support our famers in any way during these difficult times we will” said Jane Williams, Committee.

“It's time we gave back a little to our farmers, especially when they need it most,” added Moira Jenkins of the Victor Harbor Farmers Market committee. Moira highlighted that the economic and mental health impacts of the drought cannot be underestimated.  “We depend on our farmers and our producers every day to grow the food that we all enjoy. We really must all step up to the plate and help,” she said.

Major Howard Trendall thanked the Farmers Market Committee and said that the money donated by the Farmers Market will be going directly to the farmers in need through the Victor Harbor Salvation Army Drought Appeal.

The money donated has come from all of the stall holders at the VH Farmers Market, as well as from the Farmers Market Committee. "Because the market is now totally run and managed by volunteers, we can now afford to donate any extra funds we have to worthy causes", said Neil Hosking from the Farmers Market Committee.

"The VH Farmers Market has been making regular donations  to Bradley’s House, supporting families who have children with cancer through market food vouchers.  While we know that farmers in the Eastern Sates are severely impacted by the drought, farmers closer to home are also selling their stock and buying in feed for them as the need for rain reaches a crisis point."

"The Victor Harbor Farmers Market Committee challenges other Farmers Markets around the South Australia to also support our farmers doing it tough and match our donation."

Any media enquiries contact Moira Jenkins 0412733453.





Victor Harbor Farmers Market enjoys working with community groups and charities. It's a great way of getting to know people and learning about all the good work that takes place. Below are a few photos and unsung heroes of society.

Fleurieu Cancer
Support Foundation


Carrickalinga House
17 Torrens Street
Victor Harbor, SA 5211
08 8552 9304
PO Box 330 Victor Harbor, SA 5211
Hours: Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm

The Fleurieu Cancer Support Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation totally staffed by dedicated volunteers with the office being open 10am - 4pm every week day.

We offer a range of services including drop in/chat/ information service, breast cancer support group called Breast of Friends, Men's support group, Craft group, free wig (loan) service as well as transporting local patients to Adelaide to attend their cancer related treatments.

We rely entirely on donations from the community, fundraising events and the support of local business and service clubs.

How we can help ...

  • Social and group support
  • Transport using our door to door service
  • Information and drop in centre

New members and visitors always welcome.

Relay for Life
Cancer Council


Claire Fuller
General inquiries: 1300 65 65 85
Volunteer inquiries: 1300 65 65 85

Relay for Life logo

Relay for LifeRelay For Life is an overnight, community event where teams of 10-15 participate in a relay-style walk or run to raise funds for Cancer Council.

The event brings the whole community together for a night of fun, entertainment, celebration and remembrance.

Each Relay For Life event is organised by a local volunteer organising committee on behalf of Cancer Council

Anyone interested can ring Claire Fuller and have a chat on 0411282955.

Bradley's Place and the
Childhood Cancer Association


Shirley Fryer
Family Service Administrator
Childhood Cancer Association
Phone 08 8239 2211

Childhood Cancer
The Childhood Cancer Association is South Australia's key childhood cancer support organisation, dedicated to providing emotional, practical and financial support to families in need. The Association was formed in 1982 by a group of parents of children with cancer and has now grown to incorporate 8 staff with the assistance of volunteers.The Childhood Cancer Association receives no ongoing government funding and therefore relies heavily on the generous support of the community, to enable it to continue to provide vital services and support to families in need and research into childhood cancer.

Bradley's Place is the Childhood Cancer Association's respite accommodation and was opened in 2004. Sadly in 1991, Neil and Robyn Walker lost one of their twins, Bradley , to cancer at the age of four. The Walker's devastating and traumatic experience helped them to realise how important support systems were for other families facing similar problems. They turned the impact of their tragic loss into something positive and became actively involved in supporting the work of the Childhood Cancer Association in supporting other children with cancer and their families.

Childhood Cancer logo smallWith funds raised by the Walkers and their fundraising group (the Six State Challenge Team) Bradley's Place was opened. Bradley's Place is located in a peaceful rural setting with easy access to all that Victor Harbor has to offer. It is a peaceful haven away from some of the stresses and demands that come with this life changing disease.

Oxfam Australia


Mel Reid
Chairperson, Southern Fleurieu Group, Phone 8552 5723 / 0418 488 981

Oxfam logo

Oxfam Australia is an Australian, not-for-profit organization that supports development work, both in poor communities overseas and in our indigenous communities. It is also involved in disaster relief work.

It has been operating in Australia for over 50 years, and is affiliated with Oxfam International, a global federation of 15 Oxfams, which work together in more than 100 countries around the world.

Oxfam Australia’s vision is of a fair world in which people control their own lives, their basic human rights are achieved and the environment is sustained. It aims to increase the number of people who have:

  • A sustainable livelihood
  • Access to social services
  • Safety from conflict and disaster
  • An effective voice in decisions
  • Equal rights and status

It works in partnership with local organizations in the countries where programs are run, using local knowledge and employing local people in the programs.

Oxfam small logoIn addition to funding and supporting direct program work, Oxfam Australia is involved in public campaigning and political lobbying, and runs a trading arm that sells goods produced by the poor communities with which it works.

Cody's Angel Heart Foundation


Shane Porteous
Phone 0409 284 792

Cody's Angel Heart Foundation logo

In May 2008 our son Cody Anakin Porteous was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
After major heart surgery and months in hospital we took him home for his short and painful life.
Cody sadly passed away two days before Christmas 2010.

After travelling this journey with Cody we have decided that we would like to be able offer some financial funeral assistance to parents of children who suffered from a Congenital Heart Defect.

CodyFunerals are an enormous expense at a very difficult time, with many heart kids dying suddenly or even within weeks of their birth. Parents are often preparing for the arrival of a new child and then days later organising a funeral, or in our case are unable to work for two years and then expected to be able to pay for a funeral and all other expenses associated with caring for a heart kid.

We believe that assisting families in need will help to take a little piece of the financial burden off of them.

More than 4 young Australians will die this week as a result of Congenital Heart Defects