We do have happy people at our market.
Matt East, Gina’s Kitchen & Field Berries, with Jordan and Maddie last Saturday after they’d had their faces painted at Harbor Collective on the Fleurieu, who were celebrating their first birthday.
We do have happy people at our market.
Matt East, Gina’s Kitchen & Field Berries, with Jordan and Maddie last Saturday after they’d had their faces painted at Harbor Collective on the Fleurieu, who were celebrating their first birthday.
Some photos from this morning’s presentation to Con and Harry.
De had canvassed a few people, and had some anecdotes, then Brent spoke of his memories of the last 14 plus years. John and myself presented Con and Harry with Life Membership Cards of the market (making sure they’ll be back to visit), then De gave them each a beautiful watercolour painting of Petrel Cove, by one of our long time members, Annette Vandenberg. I think more than a few tears may have been shed.
Then at the end of the morning, the last walk around and last wave.
We all do wish them both so well in their retirement, Con and Harry Fresh Fruit.
Faces of the Market … Jess, from the @basketrangebaker, will be with us weekly from now on, happy dance.
. #farmersmarket #saturdaymorning #vhfm #victorharbor #sourdoughbread
Regular members Drew and Moira, with Zena, and young Gabbie, who featured as our Face of the Market on 25/6 when she was 14 weeks old.
She’s grown a bit!
Here’s a blooper photo, then baby Gabbie, and finally Market Manager Neil Hosking and Moira.
@victorfish77 and Moira #vhfm #farmersmarket #victorharbor
Faces of the market … Tom, brilliant assistant to Francesco at @virgaras_garden.
Faces of the market … Garry Searle, one of our regular, popular musicians that play at the market.
Faces of the market … me (Gill from the Membership & Information Stand) and Minka from @kimchiclub showing our yellow boots.
Minka bought hers to wear yellow and blue to show support for Ukraine, and I bought mine because John & I liked hers so much! #vhfm
Jane Williams, long term member, previous Chairperson of the VHFM committee, all round lovely person!
@alexderosamusic regular musician, always a great day when Alex plays .
#vhfm #victorharbor #saturdaymorning #farmersmarket #musician
“No I didn’t take this one”, but isn’t it a great shot of our power couple Charlie and Kate Vandersteegen from Chocolique!
@chocolique_australia #vhfm #belgianchocolate