Local Farmers’ Seminar

Farming Seminar VHCCMonday, 23 May 2016 – 9:30am to 11am

Initiative of:  • Share • Learn • Inform


  • Chris Gregory – NBN
    (high speed broadband for rural residents is HERE! – find out more)
  • Sophie Wakefield – Wakefield Grange Farmgate Meats
    (behind the scenes of a local value-adding success story)

City of Victor Harbor Civic Centre, 1 Bay Road, Victor Harbor
RSVP – Mark Przibilla, City of Victor Harbor 8551 0520 or mprzibilla@victor.sa.gov.au


Walker’s Hill Lamb

New Stallholder

Dorper Lamb. Lovingly bred and grown on the family farm at Willunga. Super fresh, straight to market.

The Evolving Vegan

evolving_vegan_logo350x150New Stallholder

This Saturday 7th May, Evolving Vegan will open their first market stall. They will offer two mains, sweets and drinks such as traditional Japanese matcha and local fresh herbal teas. Alternate weeks will feature a multi cultural food day. Plus, fun games will be “on the menu” for big and little kids!

Boots for Change

boots23 April 2016

We want to see your boots baby! Don’t forget to head to market and wear your Best Boots. We will be giving away prizes for Best Customer Boot from our Sponsors Blundstone as well as some market goodies! Kids can  join in with the Best Boots Colouring in competition. Vote for your favourite stall holders boots as they vie for the first ever VHFM Best Stall Holder Boot Trophy!

Easter Eggs & More




Join us for some bunny celebrations on on Easter Saturday 4th April 2015!

Lots of fun … face painting, music, juggler entertainment … not to mention the fantastic local produce and food selections … and much much more!


Earthly Goodness by Talia


With goodies available like Earthly Beetroot and Chocolate Mudcake, Earthly Pear Teacake, Raw Salted Caramel Chocolate Cheesecake and Acacia Berry Cheesecake, we are thrilled to welcome Talia as one of the new stallholders at the market!

We think it is pretty perfect that this organic based sweets stall is starting on Valentine’s Day.



Want to spoil your K9 friends? Kelly of Grrrrr! says she can help with a range of all natural gourmet dog treat biscuits.

Kelly has been making her pup Rodney’s dog treats for 10 years and it has been her dream to one day have her own market stall.

Grrrr! dog biscuits are made from scratch unlike many processed dog food options, and we are lucky enough to have them available for sale from this Saturday.