Chocolique, Riverland Fruit & Veg, Gina’s Kitchen & Field Berries, Jelly and more!

At long last we have had a decent downpour of rain to soak our Gardens and fill some tanks.

Thankfully the weather will clear and be calm for market in the morning!

Virgaras garden will not be with us this market unfortunately but plenty of fruit and veg items from Gina’s Kitchen & Field Berries, Riverland Fruit & Veg – Roadside Stall and Jelly inc Fleurieu Milk Company!

Chocolique has the return of the irresistible chocolate Salami rolls! These go super quick so come and grab one!

Garden candy plants are looking superb after a good rain so come stock up

Healing Harvest Farm is also back with us.

We have the great Garry Searle performing all morning in the rotunda.

Victor council also have a stall to talk to the community as well!

Other stalls will be…

Unique Cheeses,Bimbadeen Hills Beef,Calico Cakes,VICTORFISH, Hey Baker,H Kouzina Mas.

Posted in Stallholders.