First Saturday of the month, Southern Fleurieu Flora will be back!

First Saturday of the month, Southern Fleurieu Flora will be back tomorrow.

It looks like being a lovely morning. Our other stallholders will be Gina’s Kitchen & Field Berries, Con & Harry, The Coffee Stall including Fleurieu Milk And Yoghurt CompanyFrom the Grain with free range eggs again, H Kouzina MasLilyarra Artisan CheesesAnna’s Homestyle BakingChocolique, Virgara’s Garden, Garden Candy, Studio Goolwa, Victo Fish and you can get your delicious breakfast from Manu and Heath at Atomic Food.

Our busker will be Peter from Sonic Fusion.

8.00am till 12.30pm, see you then.

Posted in Stallholders.