It’s getting closer to Christmas, and warmer weather, see you Saturday!

It’s getting closer to Christmas, and warmer weather, which means Chocolique is taking orders for Christmas, but it also means Chocolique won’t be coming through the hot weather. Always a very difficult time I find, no weekly chocolate treats, quite distressing!

That strawberries are in at Gina’s Kitchen & Field Berries does help to make up for missing chocolate

Our other stallholders tomorrow will be Con and Harry, Feather & Peck, H Kouzina Mas, Anna’s Homestyle Baking, From the Grain, Garden Candy, Calico Cakes, the Coffee Stall including Fleurieu Milk Company products, Virgara’s Garden, VICTORFISH, Healthy Sparkle, Lilyarra Artisan Cheeses and Atomic Food for your Breakfasts.

Unfortunately Gill and John are unwell, so no Southern Fleurieu Flora, and no Membership/Information stand.

Buskers are Alex and Jerry.

8.00am till 12.30pm.

Posted in Stallholders.