Fourth Saturday of the month, Minka from Kimchi Club will be with us tomorrow, after having celebrated World Kimchi Day earlier this week. Ask Minka about it when you are sampling and buying her fantastic fermented products.
It’s a spring, almost like summer day today. Of course that’s not going to last in this crazy season.
There is still plenty of time for planting veggies, including tomatoes. Mark at Garden candy has a great range of veggie seedlings, flowers to bring pollinators, and succulents that make great Christmas presents.
Missing again tomorrow is Anna’s Homestyle Baking, she should definitely be back next week.
Our other stallholders tomorrow are Health by Flora, Virgara’s Garden, Gina’s Kitchen & Field Berries (strawberries are very low again.
), Jelly.PortElliot including Fleurieu Milk Company products, H Kouzina Mas, Hey Bagels, Chocolique, VICTORFISH, Studio Goolwa, Calico Cakes, Con and Harry Fresh Fruit and Healing Harvest Farm.
De from Calico Cakes will have her sign up saying how many days there are till Christmas, I just love seeing that every Saturday morning.
Congratulations to De on her election to Chairperson of the VHFM Committee at last week’s AGM, taking over from Neil Hosking who had completed his 3 year term. And many thanks to Neil for all his hard work over the last 3 years, and the 3 years prior to that on the committee when we became a Volunteer Committee run market. He stays on the committee, and continues as volunteer Manager.
8.00am till 12.30 pm tomorrow as usual, see you then.